
Nifty New News Feeds Now Available!

I’ve moved the [url=]Newsforge[/url] feeds across the page and grouped them with the feeds from Slashdot. In addition, I’ve added a feed from [url=][/url] to the mix. On the right side of the page, I replaced the Newsforge news with feeds from [url=]The New York Times[/url] and [url=]BBC[/url], and grouped the Indymedia news over there with them. Only time will tell if these will work out well or not; between my cheap-ass [url=]hosting company[/url] and the time it can take for those [url=]RSS files[/url] to load, this site may get bogged down pretty bad. Not that anyone besides me would notice!

If you know of other RSS feeds and would like to see them featured on this site, as always don’t hesitate to [url=]contact me[/url].