
Facebook hookup seems to be working…

To be honest, this entry is sort of a tester, but regardless…

It’s very interesting the way these various and sundry web technologies are coming together to break down barriers between sites.

I’ve been doing RSS-based newsfeeds on this site in various forms for years, but it’s cool that it’s now quite easy to tie-in content from here on my Facebook account.

As I recall, my buddy Girish has Facebook, Flickr and his personal blog setup in a similar fashion.. using different directions of data flow but the concept is the same. Post one place, update everyplace. Yay?

Still looking forward to what the future holds with respect to the avoiding profileschlepping across various social networking sites.

On the one hand, it’d be cool to be able to consolidate my various web forum interactions in a single spot (like a feed of all the various threads and posts I’m following/participating in), but on the other hand, that’s a major privacy slippery slope.

The challenges of managing what will surely become an increasingly complex set of privacy rules across the various sites / groups of friends / etc might not make the effort saved in having a single unified profile worthwhile (setting aside the question of whether or not that’s even desirable).

Next up, enabling user comments to this silly old blog. Someday, maybe! LOL