
WTF Facebook?

I came across this post on Macworld about a new Facebook program that allows 3rd party websites to “personalize” your experience on their site if you happen to be logged into Facebook when you visit. Apparently this has resulted in apps being automatically installed into your FB profile without you being prompted or notified in any way… and this option is set to “Allow” by default… WTF?? This flies in the face of everything “Web 2.0″… it’s straight up malware. Going to make sure I have whatever photos from FB I want to keep saved, and then torpedo the whole thing, they’re going someplace I do not want to be.


  1. Orville

    Maybe we don’t share the same understanding of what Web 2.0 is supposed to do, but this seems exactly what it’s supposed to be about. Sites collectively sharing your data to personalize and track you through the web tubes. That’s why I want nothing to do with it. Paranoia pays on the internet!

  2. Comment by post author


    Well, my understanding of Web 2.0 was that it was designed to facilitate visitor interaction with the website – like what we’ve got here. NOT to encourage that interaction and then seek to sell it off for profit… though obviously that’s the business model being adopted in the realpolitik of how Web 2.0 is actually being implemented.